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The SDS for recycled plastics as provided by this website is made using the best of the knowledge of the industry associations (PRE, EuPC, PlasticsEurope and Vinylplus) concerning the composition of the recycled articles streams produced with European raw materials. PCE cannot be made responsible if the composition of real streams of articles to be recycled differs from the compositions proposed by this software, either due to the presence of unlisted additives or by a too high amount of listed additives. It is always the responsibility of the recycler to assess (by analysis for instance) the full congruence of the SDS as provided by this tool with its recycled material.
It is recommended to read the SDS-R Guidance document and by checking this box, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the Guidance document.
In case of question, please contact us at sdsadmin@pceu.eu.
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